
Never Alone

Without them none of this would be possible

Mountlake Church

Sending Organization/Church

As our sending organization Mountlake recieves and process our donations, sends short term teams, connects with us as missionary care, and works alongside of CGN to put on a missionary care gathering in Europe.

Mountlake is much more than a sending organization but with years of fellowship and connection they are part of our family. We are so excited for this partnership.

Calvary Fellowship Gig Harbor

Home and Sending Church

CFGH is our Home and sending Church. They are key in our success here in the Basque Country. They provide spiritual and financial support and also Pastoral advice and fellowship.

Calvary also plays a huge role they host students from our city. This connects us with more families, exposes students to the gospel, and is so helpful in building relationships.

Cultivate Church Planting

Training, Assessment, and Mentoring

Cultivate helps provide us with online classes on a variety of church planting and missions, and ministry topics, guides us through our assessment and continues partnership through discipleship.

Cultivate check in on us regularly with our home church to find ways to encourage us and help us as we work to further God’s kingdom.

Partner Organization

Another huge Partner is Nations outreach. Our friends here help us by providing a secondary way to receive money for those who would rather send through a Missionary Organization, providing missionary care, emergency insurance, and a kinship in wanting to see the Kingdom of God pushed forward.

We also work together to share stories and connect with other missionaries as we have a desire to send out workers into the harvest.


Those listed above our play a specific role in the logistics and spiritual support of us being here. God has also provided for us a fantastic group of individuals and churches who give wholeheartedly and unconditionally. We are so thankful for every one of them who continue to push us forward in this kingdom work. With their prayer and financial support we will see others reached for Jesus!